Championing Human Rights
August 8, 2018 @ 6:00PM — 8:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Championing Human Rights

An Evening of Fundraising for North Dakota Human Rights
Board Members with the North Dakota Human Rights Coalition invite you to an evening of meeting, greeting, eating, and networking. Come and learn of NDHRC's efforts across the state, and how you can become involved.
As of February, 2018, the North Dakota Human Rights Coalition became an affiliate with Equality Federation, a national organization that promotes capacity in each of the states to develop anti-discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. As a result of our new affiliation, we have been given the opportunity for an incredible network of programs around the country as well as great resources regarding organizing, fund development, infrastructure building and issue identification and messaging.
There has been an uptick in hate crimes directed at our residents. We know there are large out-of-state organizations shopping around egregious anti-trans bills looking for states to pass them. We still do not have protections in place for our LGBTQ residents, and the individual, collective and institutional bias and discrimination against our Native brothers and sisters only becomes more and more evident. Our work needs to be stepped up. The success of this challenge match grant will play a significant role in NDHRC becoming a more effective proponent.
The event will be hosted by NDHRC Board Members and Staff Aruna Seth, Stacy Schaffer, Kevin Tengesdal, Barry Nelson, along with NDHRC Friends Karen Ehrens & Duane, Nancy Guy & Greg Stites, and Renee Ewine & Waylon Hedegaard. Appetizers and edibles will be crafted by Aruna and her husband Vinod, along with NDHRC Supporters Karen and Duane Ehrens.
Suggested Donation is $35 per person, for a great evening of food, friends, and North Dakota Human Rights. Currently through a newly established affiliate status with Equality Federation* and a challenge match grant, your donation to North Dakota Human Rights Coalition will be doubled in value.
Interested in joining the movement to provide human rights to all people in North Dakota? Visit, check out our Facebook page, or contact Barry Nelson, Organizer with NDHRC, or one of our 12 board members, to learn more about how you can make a positive change in North Dakota.
Become a Member. Join the Progress. Promote. Motivate. Advocate.